понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

Where Can I Ask Questions About Keto?

To ask anything about low-carb and keto living, share your progress and your story, or even your favorite recipe, feel free to join our KetoDiet Support Group on Facebook. Our admins and members are happy to help!
Click on the link below to join our free keto diet support group.
How To Start Keto

About Martina Slajerova

Hi I'm Martina, the creator of KetoDiet — thanks for stopping by!
I was born in theCzech republic and I'm currently living with my partner in the UK. I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Even though I was taking prescription medication to help control my condition and I was hitting the gym almost every day, I was gaining weight, not losing it.
The irony was that, like so many other people, I used to follow what I believed to be a healthy, balanced diet. I avoided most fatty foods in fear of clogging my arteries and putting on weight. I based my diet around whole grains and vegetables, and I limited my intake of animal products. I did exactly what the general dietary recommendations advised: I exercised more and ate less. Still, nothing worked.
Finally, I got tired of dieting all the time, and I was determined to regain my health by following a different approach. That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and I started following a whole foods–based ketogenic approach to food.
After we witnessed the incredible benefits of low-carb eating firsthand, my partner and I created KetoDiet, a tracking and planning application with hundreds of low-carb recipes. It is now one of the best-selling apps on the App Store and Google Play.
Then in 2012, I launched my KetoDiet blog, which now helps more than two million monthly visitors follow a whole foods–based, low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle. Since 2014 I've authored eight cookbooks (two still to be released) and co-authored one cookbook.
Switching to a keto lifestyle wasn’t easy at first. It took some time for me to get used to eating fat and to give up carbs: after all those years of dieting, it was only natural that I was having trouble eating more fat without worrying about consuming all those calories. And to make things even more complicated, there was too much conflicting information available, and I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing. But I figured it out for myself.
When I started to eat keto, my cravings went away after just a few weeks. I didn’t feel hungry, and I had loads of energy to devote to my busy lifestyle. Best of all, for the first time in years, I didn’t even think about food. It was so liberating! So these days, when people ask me which “diet” I follow, I simply reply, “It’s just the way I eat every day.” That’s because — for me, at least — keto isn’t a diet: it’s a lifestyle.
The word “diet” suggests a pattern of eating that’s both temporary and difficult to stick with, and that’s definitely not the case for my approach to eating keto. I hope this book will give you some clarity about what a truly healthy diet is, and that you’ll be motivated to keep learning, do your own research, and listen to your body. I truly believe that a whole foods — based keto diet that reflects your individual needs has the potential to help you achieve your goals — whether that’s long-term weight loss, dealing with certain health conditions, or simply improving your overall well-being.
Working on my book and all our apps wouldn't be possible without you — my fabulous readers. I'm so grateful for your continuous love and support!

KetoDiet in a Nutshell: Quick Links

For must-read posts and free downloads click on the links below:
KetoDiet GuideKetoDiet Guide
All you need to know about the ketogenic diet
Keto RecipesKeto Recipes
Browse through hundreds of recipes with smart filtering
KetoDiet BuddyKetoDiet Buddy
Our online macronutrient calculator
KetoDiet PlansKetoDiet Plans
Download our free diet plans
KetoDiet Food ListKetoDiet Food List
What to eat and what to avoid on a keto diet
Ketogenic Diet FAQKetogenic Diet FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the ketogenic diet
How To Low CarbHow To Low Carb
15+ common weight loss mistakes and how to avoid them
KetoDiet App FAQKetoDiet App FAQ
Features, pricing & future plans
Exercise & KetoExercise & Keto
All about ketogenic nutrition and exercise
Keto Diet GlossaryKeto Diet Glossary
MUFA, MCT, Keto-flu, etc Ketogenic diet terminology
KetoDiet on a BudgetKetoDiet on a Budget
Time and money saving tips
How To Start Keto
Planner & tracker
Track all macros including net carbs
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